Scotty Squid Devil 619 (Small Butterfly for Octopus Hoochies)
Designed originally for Commercial Salmon Trollers trolling for Cohoes without a flasher to create movement and action in the water. This device added action to Octopus and Cuttlefish hoochie. To use the Butterfly, cut the head off the hoochie and stretch it over the Butterfly.
This extremely effective fishing device developed by Scott Plastics Ltd, has been available for some years but its great effectiveness was kept quiet by "High Liners" that understandably were keeping trade secrets to themselves but making big trips as a result of using this device. The word has got around and judging by the large and ever growing sales demand more and more Trollers learnt the secrets of using the "Butterfly" and tell us they often are doubling their production as a result of using it. The Butterfly works on both Springs and Cohoes and especially on mature cohoes later in the season when they are seen all around on the surface but are not interested in taking spoons any more.

Take an Octopus hoochie of your colour choice and cut nose end off here. Some Trollers pluck out some of the tails to make a lighter lure.
1. Use bottom hole to place the swivel and hook but at times rigging with the top hole will catch them. The secret to using the Butterfly device on a hoochie is to use the lightest gear possible. Commercial Trollers use Superstar monofilament 30 to 35 lbs test leaders, 5/0 North Pacific Hi Carbon Black Steel Hook and #3 Rolling Swivel. The lighter the gear, the more action and movement it creates. Heavier gear has more drag in the water creating less movement and action on the lure.
For Sports fishing, use 20 to 25 lbs test Super Star Monofilament leader, 4/0 North Pacific Black Clawpoint Hook, and no 3 Rolling Swivel. Commercial Trollers found out that using the lightest possible Monofilament leader, swivels and hooks which puts more action on the lure resulted in catching more Salmon.
2. Troll at moderate speed, & best action is when lure swims and wriggles but also swims in a large circle and repeats this circular swim on a regular cycle. Put out a lot of line , about 60 feet, to create this pattern.
Squid Devil Butterfies are available in clear and Fluorescent-chartreuse, Green, Pink Red and Blue.